Safety in the Second Stage: Instrumented Delivery and Second Stage Management

Home » Safety in the Second Stage: Instrumented Delivery and Second Stage Management

Presented By:  Martin November, M.D., MBA, FACOG
February 2010

The entire clinical team plays a critical role in promoting the best possible outcome for a mom and her newborn. This is especially true during the second stage of labor, an aspect of obstetric care which recently has come under a good deal of scrutiny and resulted in a re-evaluation of many traditional practices.

This webinar provides you with an overview of the second stage of labor beginning with a fundamental discussion of labor mechanics, evaluation techniques, and labor support measures. Methods of operative vaginal delivery are reviewed, along with the inherent risks of the procedures and key warning signs of potential complications that should trigger further evaluation postpartum. Finally, practical tools are shared in this interactive forum to ensure all patient safety strategies are in place at your facility.


Your entire healthcare team will benefit from this session so please be sure to tune in.


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