Power, Passage & Passenger: Managing Uterine Activity, VBAC and Uterine Rupture

Home » Power, Passage & Passenger: Managing Uterine Activity, VBAC and Uterine Rupture

Presented By:  Martin November, M.D., MBA, FACOG
January 2010

Proper management of uterine activity is vital to the success of the laboring patient. Uterine blood flow may be diminished when uterine activity is improperly managed, which may affect fetal oxygenation status. Timely identification and rapid intervention is key to responding to uterine tachysystole and/or uterine emergency. Litigation may be avoided by implementing various risk reduction strategies.

This presentation defines and describes proper management of labor and uterine activity, covers various risk management strategies when dealing with VBAC population and reviews early warning signs of uterine rupture through case studies. It also discusses common issues in litigation.


Your entire healthcare team will benefit from this session so please be sure to tune in.


For OB inquiries, please contact Risk Management at (925) 838-6070 or riskmgmt@betahg.com.

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